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General information

Triggers are events that trigger an automation. All triggers run in real time, that is, data is transferred the moment the event occurs. Triggers are the first step in an automation scenario.

How to add a trigger

Select the system from which you want to receive data and the event that triggers the automation. Then, select your account.

There are two types of triggers:


Webhook trigger

After starting the automation, Albato waits for a certain HTTP request to a certain URL. Each trigger has its own internal filter, which determines which request and trigger should run. Let's say there is a trigger called "New Deal," the automation will only start when it receives a request to the URL of the webhook. This request will have the "New Deal" sign in the body. The trigger can also make additional requests to the API to get more detailed data.

The automation scenario is started when the request is received. If multiple webhook requests come in at once, they're executed in the order they came in.

API trigger

This trigger polls the system API for new or changed entities. It usually searches for data from the last hour, but sometimes it's longer.

The standard trigger schedule is every five minutes, but you can change it in the Scheduling tab.

When the trigger starts, it asks for data an hour from now. It gets a data array in return. Each entity is processed separately. If the trigger gets five "Deals", it runs the automation five times. The automation remembers the IDs of the entities it gets. If it gets the same ID's next time, the scenario won't run again. If the trigger monitors changes, it also remembers the date of change for each entity. If the same ID is received again but the entity's date of change is different, this entity will run the automation scenario again.

If no new data is received, the log will show "No data." The trigger can also get an error if there are credential issues or problems connecting to a third-party server. In that case, the third-party system will return an error text.

Updated on: 23/04/2024

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