Articles on: App Integrator

App Integrator Versioning

When the application is published and you need to change something, then a new version is created (copy of the public version).

In this version, you can add/modify/delete all entities. After making all the necessary changes, send the application for moderation. After creating new version with changes, it will be available in the personal account of the user that created the application. Other Albato accounts will have the previous public version. After moderation, versions are “merged”, and your new version becomes available to all users. Let's consider the behavior during the “merge” using the example of the “Action” entity:

An entity has been added to the version - Users have new entities, while creating automations, they can select a new action.

The existing action has been changed in the version - For users, in all current automations the step itself is replaced. That means if a field has been added / removed or the structure of the request has changed, then users do not need to create a new automation, all changes will occur in the existing automation. This scenario is suitable when you have minor changes that little affect the operation of the action. Example: changing the name of the field, adding a field, changing the structure of a query with the same fields.

The action has been deleted in the version - For users who already have an automation with this “old” action, the automation will continue to work, the step will be unchanged, and the requests will go according to the old settings. However trying to create a new automation, the user will no longer have this “old” action, it can only work in previously created automations.

The latter scenario is possible when the changes are significant (for example, API version changes, due to which the authorization or the set of fields have been changed completely). You can delete the "old" action and create a new one, the same one with the same name, but with new settings. As a result, users in the old automations will have the old version of the action, but when they create a new automation and select this action, they will already have a new step that works with the new scenario.

Updated on: 01/12/2022

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